Thursday 25 June 2015

10,000 Steps a Day Keeps Us In a Shape

The alarm clock and the get up movement from the bed, begins the marathon account steps that devices continue your physical activity, considered to stay in shape during the day.

At the end of the day when bedtime approaches, your bracelet vibrates, the alarm sounded and a state of satisfaction invades your body. Ultimately, the aim of the steps that got Fitbit and other devices recommend to be active.

Bracelet can be customized, but the mark set by default Fitbit, which also makes specific monitoring state, the number of calories burned and the distance traveled by the people, is 10,000 steps.

"It's a strange reward" admitted Nath Buck, 26, who has been using this device for more than a year ago. "I bought it out of curiosity to know how active it was," but now convinced the people who live and three colleagues to acquire similar devices to compare who can walk more steps more quickly.

The Magic Number

The market for devices and applications for exercise has become big business, with production expected to rise from 17.7 million units in 2014 to 40.7 million units this year.
According to research company IDC, they will sell more than 100 million devices in 2019, that can be worn on the wrist.

One third of the market is occupied by products manufactured by Fitbit and Jawbone therefore another. Your brand by default is set to 10,000 steps, or to an estimated eight kilometers a day. The figure is repeated in other applications, while there are devices which provide a measure equivalent to that number of steps.

But how come the 10,000 steps?

It is believed that the concept originated in Japan before the Olympic Games of 1964, as said Catrine Tudor-Locke, associate professor at Pennington Biomedical Research Center of Louisiana State University. Pedometers became the sensation of the Olympic fever infected country and a company launched a device called Manpo-kei, which means the extent of the 10,000 steps.

"It was a business motto like" Just do it "Nike, and that resonated among the population", Tudor-Locke said. Since then the brand has become the standard lens in the world of physical activity around the world.

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, for instance, recommends "daily walk 8,000 to 10,000 steps." In the UK, National Obesity Forum said that a person walking between 7,000 and 10,000 is "moderately active".

It Is Not So Simple

Fitness expert Laura Williams considers the impact it has had the theory of 10,000 steps is that it is a round, attractive, similar to Malcolm Gladwell's theory of number 10,000 hours of practice you can get to become an expert in any field.

Williams adds that when referring to activities like walking and steps it more viable for many who believe "that 150 minutes of exercise a week -recommended by the World Health Organization-sounds like a lot."

But the reality is different nuances, such that not all the steps are the same. Esliger Dale, professor in measuring physical activity at the University of Loughborough, explained that there are differences "if you have short or long legs." For a woman with long legs, 10,000 steps it is not as demanding as it would be for someone little work besides the gait differs between people as much as eye color or their personalities. 

He adds the question that a bracelet that measures the activity of legs left margin of error because of those 10,000 steps "may include movements like duck to tie your shoelaces," Esliger said. "The best device to follow the steps should be one that is located in the ankle, to register a biomechanically step."

According to the Health Service in the UK, the NHS for its acronym in English, a person walks on average between 3,000 and 4,000 steps a day, less than half the target set in the devices. "If you run three times a week course you will not be fitter than if you walk 10,000 steps," said Williams.

"In that case you are already in shape and should strive further to improve your condition than someone who has a low fitness or is inactive. For them, walking 5,000 or 10,000 steps a day will have a clear advantage."

Williams believes that to achieve that goal the people must create a structure that encourages walking into your daily routine, which may include a spin or away from the workplace a kilometer and a half for lunch.

Required also recommends increasing the pace and intensity of the steps to increase profits. Tudor-Locke agrees that 10,000 steps is a "laudable" objective. "Do it if you want to do. In fact up to 12,000 or 14,000 steps. There is a limit that we know will be counterproductive to your health." But warns that it should not become an obsession. "More than a number, which is most important is not being sedentary."

Besides the benefits they will be reduced as chocolate or other foods that alter a balanced diet appears.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Google is Ahead of Apple With a Free Music Service

Google Play Music added a version without cost but with advertising, following the scheme of Spotify. For now, only available in the US



Following the recent announcement of its competitor Apple Music , Google responded with the launch of a free music, a free version of Google Play Music designed to attract more customers to its subscription service and give artists a way more income .

According to the company she said on its official blog, the service is based on the emission of advertisements and is available from today in the US for web. Before finishing the week will come to Android and iOS.

Google Play Music available in more than 50 countries service monthly subscription of $ 9,99. It is hoped that the free version to extend its presence to more markets, but since the company did not confirm now what will.

The service uses technology Songza, a company that Google acquired long ago and employs musical selections based on the mood of the user, location, time of day, past preferences and songs that indicated at some point they were your taste.

"At any time of the day, Google Play Music is music you need, whether for work, exercising or dancing. We also offers radio stations to do better. If you're looking for something specific, you can search for stations either by genre, mood or decade. You can also search favorite, album or song and instantly create a music station like your artist ", stressed the company.

In addition to relying on lists, Google Play Music will have other limitations on the payment . They may pass six subjects per hour, which seems to become a standard for this type of services. The user can pause issues, but there is no way back and see what issue is as follows.

A plus is that free users can listen streamings at up to 320kbps, as long as your connection allows.

Google's announcement came after the review launched two days ago by singer Taylor Swift to Apple, which led the company to change the criteria for its new music platform , Apple Music, and agree to pay the copyrights of artists included.
Apple Vice President for Internet services Eddy Cue said after the company paid to artists copyright during the free trial period had promised its subscribers to launch this product.
The new system will begin operating on June 30 and Apple had agreed to that in the trial period of three months, he would not charge anything to subscribers and consequently not pay royalties.  

Spain Has Become The Fourth Video Game Market in Europe

The Spanish Association of Video Games (AEVI) presented the yearbook 2014 videogame industry with positive results. For the association in 2014 the sector has consolidated the improvement started in the previous year and, thus, consumption increased by 6.8% over the previous year, reaching 996 million euros. The virtual football action games have marked the path of growth in the sector.

It is a stage for AEVI "diversified and evolving." 14 million players, in which women begin to represent 46% of the market are cited. Moreover, in the yearbook Spain's position as fourth largest market in Europe in consumption of video games it is concrete and AEVI considered "global significance".

These data strengthen the gaming industry, the audiovisual industry and interactive entertainment, as the first in the audiovisual industry in the country.Consumption of hard copies to digital continues to dominate, with 762,000 million euros compared to 170,000 million.

"We are witnessing a major boost to digital. Last year, the online consumption grew by 41% compared to 2013, which does not prevent consoles continue to have great success among consumers, "says Alberto González Lorca, president of the institution. As for the shelled sales, continues to dominate the software, with 364 million euros, compared to hardware, with 301 million euros, and in a distant third at 90 million euros peripherals. The software in this transition from one platform to another, has been reduced by a remarkable 9.2%.

Games for all

Of the 9.825 million million-selling games dominate home consoles regard to laptops, which have not been renovated in recent years and live under the threat of mobile developments. Average spending on home consoles is higher, too, with 243 million euros compared to 58 million portable consoles. The preferred platforms for the Spanish are PlayStation 3, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 4 and Wii. Among the best selling titles include "FIFA 15," "Minecraft" "Grand Theft Auto V 'and' Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare".

"Innovation must remain the primary objective of the sector, because not only improve the user experience, but also help keep attracting more public," he stresses.The outlook could not be more promising in this order: the video game market worldwide has reached the figures expected to reach in the next 2016.

The ten best-selling games in Spain

1. "Fifa 15" (PlayStation 3) - Electronic Arts
2. "Minecraft" (PlayStation 3) - Sony
3. "Fifa 15" (PlayStation 4) - Electronic Arts
4. "Grand Theft Auto V" (PlayStation 3) Take Two
5. "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" (PlayStation 3) Activision Blizzard
6. "Just Dance 2015" (Wii) Ubisoft
7. "Just Dance 2014" (Wii) Ubisoft
8. "Call of Duty: Ghosts" (PlayStation 3) Activision Blizzard
9. "Tomodachi Life" (Nintendo 3DS) Nintendo
10. "Fifa 14" (PlayStation 3) Electronic Arts

Data Storage Online

A Tour of the Costs and Characteristics of the Services Offered by Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft To Save Digital Files on Their Online Platforms




What is the trending today? 


In the Internet market, prices do not change daily, but with the passing years. Storing data a decade ago would have cost about $ 45 per gigabyte. While now worth only a few cents. Thus the evolution of storage services in the cloud started, from 2011, costs have become very cheap. And many in the industry predicted that there may be a demand from the new generations who want to have immediate access from anywhere to all your data.

Here we compared rates of five major companies, for you today.

Onedrive of Microsoft, and Google Drive are those that offer you more free space with 15GB.
Dropbox comes with 2GB free capacity, but users can opt for more space inviting friends to join the service. According to the company, referring to friends you can win upto 16GB of additional space.

The storage service iCloud Drive is free only up to 5GB. It is recommended for users of Apple but is also accessible from Windows 7 or later.

Personal files in such formats Word, Excel, PDF, etc. weigh much less than the pictures and it is possible that free gigabytes that offer different companies sufficient to store them in the cloud.

Now, if you want to store all your photos, you most likely need more than gigabytes companies offer you free. In that case you can find a plan for the space you need, paying monthly or annually.

Apple iCloud service does not offer a monthly plan for 100GB but 200GB for $ 3.99.
Onedrive of Microsoft also offers 200GB for $ 3.99.
Both Dropbox and Amazon, in addition to its free basic account only offer one option over 1TB or unlimited storage respectively.
Amazon offers unlimited cloud storage for $ 59.99 a year, ie the equivalent of about US $ 4.99 a month.

How much space do we need ?


It is difficult to give a reference on how many photos can be stored in 200GB for essentially depends on the size and quality with which the pictures were taken and archived.
So the numbers can vary greatly depending on the camera you use and the resolution at which the guards.
But as a reference, we offer this basic calculation assuming they are not professional photos and each photo weighs an average of 2.5MB.
1GB     400 photos.
100GB 40,000 photos.
1TB      400,000 photos.
If you're only going to store photos, the new Google Photos allows you to store images and video without limit, Flickr offers a terabyte free for this very thing.

***Remember that these numbers are only an approximate estimate and reality vary from one user to another.